Mama and her little pumpkin
Ruth was more into the straw than the pumpkins or taking a picture
Precious! (notice the straw still tightly gripped in her little hand)
The Namtarts had an incredible weekend with the Doroskos and the Artemenkos in the NC Mountains. We stayed at Allen and Jodie's new house which is incredibly decorated, I might add. A wonderful way to spend our last 2 months in NC.
The view from the front porch is Grandfather Mountain...BEAUTIFUL!!!
ROW, ROW, ROW your boat...Maggie, Will, and Ruthie playing at Pop and Lolly's (Allen & Jodie's) mountain house
The babies decided to take a rest after their hike
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Our littlt rock climber
Ruthie liked the Stalagtites better than the Stalagmites!
you all have way too much fun. i love the mountains. so jealous. and ruth... well ruth is just gorgeous. so beautiful, like her mommy (faithful friend)! i love you three and miss you. hope to see you in wilm at the movie premier
my heart just, Grandma Deb
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