Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Almost Birthday Jesus!

Ruthie found her Little People Manger Scene that I wasn't planning to get out until after Thanksgiving.  She was screaming "BABY JESUS!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" at the box so I gave in and got it out.  She has loved it and even brought baby Jesus to have lunch with her.  She put him on a chair and said, "Sit down, baby Jesus".  She insisted that I give baby Jesus some of her bread and green beans.  She also kept pointing her sippy cup at him and making a slurping sound pretending she was giving him something to drink.  Ruthie loves her some baby Jesus!

1 comment:

Courtney Chercka said...

i love this! of course jesus should be allowed a portion! he is gonna be pretty full after that meal though!

ruthie is SO beautiful!

love ya! BOTT