I was very nervous because Ruth wouldn't put on her costume all month. We tried several different ones and she would scream when we would try to put them on. After she saw everyone else in a costume she ran to put hers on and wore it all night!

Grandma Deb came to visit!

Showing off her Halloween outfit...even
doggie has a
hairbow. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Guthrie!

Reading Clifford no less

Ruthie was very interested in carving the pumpkin.

We had my mom's annual Halloween party complete with her chili.
Our friend Martha Stewart...I mean Hartley... made great desserts.

So cute!

Here are just a few of the costumes...

"Pumpkin Pie"

The kids loved the bubble machine!

The boys cooking hot dogs over the fire.

Going trick-or-treating... Ruthie did a great job saying "trick-or-treat" and "thank-you". She got a little excited at one house and went inside. There were too many people on the porch for me to reach her. It was pretty funny. The weather was perfect...seeing that it usually snows here on Halloween.

Spence and Ruthie on to the next house.

Reese cups...Mommy and Daddy's favorite too.

We had a great time and can't wait for next year!