Friday, July 11, 2008


no new posts because I have the computer with me on our 2 week mission trip to Vancouver via Yellowstone, Seattle and many other places. Here is the blog from the trip we are still on until the 14th  VANCOUVER
I don't think I've ever really been homesick in my life....but it's a new story now that we have Ruthie, especially now that she recognizes when we are gone. Kim told me that Ruth has been dragging my picture and shirts around the house saying "Dadda?". If that doesn't choke a young father up...what will? Kim has been a trooper trying to get our house finished up before my family arrives in town as well as being a good single momma to Ruthie. 
I've thought a bunch about the father-child relationship in my own life and in a spiritual sense throughout the week. My favorite mental picture is of Ruthie with her face smashed against the glass front door screaming "DADDA" as I walk up the front walk. I'm pretty sure my heavenly father delights when my face is smashed against the glass as well!

to God be the glory great things He hath done,


Anonymous said...

There are just no words for that...Dad actually "teared up" and said softly.."I know, I know..."

Sayward said...

i was in jamaica w/ son servants for 10 days, home for two, then off to TGE Lee for a week. KILLER! But, there's nothing better than hugs from your little girl...and your main squeeze!

andy cornett said...

nate-o hope the trip has gone well, as I have been praying for you. We just got back from Belize last night - amazing time, amazing God. When you get a sec, can you leave me your home address? I remember the street - but not the number or zip. I wanted to send y'all a little something. peace