Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Ruckus in the Rockies

"Great Day in the mornin'"- Quote by Nanner B. Gresham
I can honestly say that I have never been so unsettled and peaceful in my entire life. We are trying to find a house, adjust to driving on the snow, finding our way around a huge church and a sprawling community. My first week at the church has been considered one of the hardest changes in the history of the congregation. There was a large cutback in staff as well as budget.
In the midst of the storm....I truly feel at peace. God has led us to this place and has allowed us to have an incredible experience in NC. He hasn't let go...and He won't. As much as I hate cliches, "Gods way of doing things aren't always the way I would choose to do things".
Kim is meeting friends through MOPS and a Bible Study. I am really enjoying several of the church staff who have taken an interest in us and the youth ministry. Ruthie likes to make cool noises with her mouth and she has started dancing in the past week or so.
Under Construction

1 comment:

jesse and whit... said...

i can't believe you don't live in NC anymore. so weird. don't let kim drive in the snow please. also don't let her tie her shoelace to the steering wheel while sitting a stop light. trust me. love and miss y'all even though we didn't see ya much anyway. glad God's got something great planned!