I've been renting a bunch of movies for the first time in my life since we are home more than i've ever been. I rented Blood Diamonds but couldn't watch it until all the ladies were asleep. This movie opened my eyes to an issue that I wasn't aware of. The movie is pretty hardcore gore like Hotel Ruwanda. It is "Hollywood Action Flic meets Social Action Documentary". Djimon Hounsou (Amistad) is brilliant as a fisherman father whose family has been devistated by the war over diamonds. This is a movie worth renting if you can watch "violent" flics.
MORAL OF THE STORY- Our greed for money and things not only effects those around us...but has the potential to ravage countries until there is nothing left. Today 98% of all diamonds are "non-conflict" which means they were not purchased in areas where this type of injustice is happening.
This movie made me wonder what other areas has our greed created this type of conflice/war. Oil? Coffee?
i'm disturbed
I saw this movie too and was very disturbed...I have a great book for you to read...its memiors of on eof the boys taht was captured and made into one of those soldiers...very moving. I am trying to get involved in some things to stop all this madness...UNICEF is a great one! It is soooo sad and I can not believe all that happens. I will bring you the book over Easter! and a B+? what?!!? that took me like 3 hours! :)
I want to see the movie(it is on my list). But about your question my friend also named Nathan suggested I read a book called The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Society. Hopefully I will read it by the end of the month but, perhaps it may touch on oil and greed and stuff.
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