This is Betty.
She was handmade by a lady named Betty in our church. Betty is actually pink, but I made her gray for added effect. She and God will guard our little Ruthie as she sleeps. Betty looks harmless....but she's not. She'll go medieval on you in a heartbeat...don't push her.
Look at her closely....she has a crooked smile. Beware of a binky with a crooked smile, they are always up to something.
Betty is one of the many toys in Ruthies new room that has a personality and comes to life when the lights are out, kinda like Woody and Buzz Lightyear.
check back at the Namtart blog often....for I will be introducing you to our newest toy friends.
We've got a T-minus 4 week countdown till the Ruthster comes rushing into this world and I can run around the hospital yelling "the eagle has landed!!!!"