Friday, December 22, 2006

CHRISTmas in Hollywood I have a confession to make....I am intrigued or maybe even obsessed with famous people! Kim has acused me of this....and now I admit it. But in my defense, I am not enamored with the glitz and the glamour....I am intrigued by these people who are unique and obscure....and I feel like i'm best friends with most famous people due to Entertainment Tonight and the first 10 pages of People Magazine in the Harris Teeter shopping line.
Having said all that...I saw Hillary Duff and her mother walking outside of the Disney Building. I met a man who ran in the Olympics and shook hands with Hitler. We saw one of the lead actresses from The Practice outside of the Curves on Ventura Ave. where my mom works. I met a man who was Roy Rogers and Dale Evans pastor for over 30 years in the Apple Valley. This was all in one day...more to come!
Here is the website of the church my parents are serving:
This is a "Bird of Paradise" outside my p's house.

some random, wet plant outside the house.

This is one of the many Christmas lights that were left on my parents porch from an independent film that was shot at their house in October.

Kim in my parents small living room next to their huge Christmas tree.

The Kitchen

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