Friday, August 15, 2008

Cell Phone from the Big Apple

My sister, Debbie, went to New York City and bought Ruthie a new cell phone.  It is a Cinderella phone no less and makes tons of "beautiful" noises.  Ruthie loves it!!  
Thanks Aunt Ebbie!



Sayward said...

we have a mickey mouse phone. "mickey and all our friends are going to the beach today!" Ug. It does NOT get old to the little girls!

Anonymous said...

HOW CUTE!! and love the dress too. love grandma deb

René S said...

This was one of Ann Bennett's favorite toys. Hers had a sparkly carrying case as well, and somehow we wound up with a "Cindelella" and Aurora phone. They were favorites for years!

The kids and I just got back from a week in Breckenridge visiting my dad. On Thursday, I think, Bryant said, "Didn't Nate move to CO?" Next time I'll try to touch base before we head that way. It would have been nice to see you. I'm not sure I could live in CO all the time, but the cool temp was such a relief!

Take care!