Tuesday, June 12, 2007

the queen is plumpin' up

Miss Tater Tot got all gussied up in her "goin' to church meetin'dress" accompanied by her very first pink bible (given by our good friend Holly and it's not a big bible but Ruthie makes it look huge) She has decided she likes the book of Revelation due to her facination in "winged things" "candle stands" and "galloping horses". She told me she likes John's style of writing and really apocolyptic literature as a whole.

our afternoon siesta at the Stratas' beach condo. (rough life)

Ruthie already knows how to play Stairway to Heaven on Grandma's piano

the beach princess

The fam at Kim's cousin Jeremy's wedding


Another Namtarts Blog said...

Is that pink camo? Holy Crap. Did you order that off of the Bravo Channel shopping network?

Ruthie looks wonderful. love her and you, too.

Anonymous said...

I want Ruthie to learn to play "We're Marching to Zion" on the piano. I could just eat her with a spoon.!! Grandma deb

LuLaRoeMeg said...

Hutch and I want updated pictures of that baby of yours PLEASE!

jesse and whit... said...

did your camera break too? it's been a while since you posted some new pics pastor! my stinkin' camera is toe-up. cason and elisa are here... it'd be nice if our other friends came up sometimes too... NATE!!!!! i love you kem and ruthie.

Anonymous said...

Kim and Nate,

I am so glad I found this blog. Ruthie is such a doll! Congrats!

Emily (wise) Evans